On Exhibit August 5 - September 25
Local Artists of Color Challenge the Narrative that Central Oregon has "No Diversity". The art and space seeks to increase BIPOC visibility, promote reflection and connection; and see the region through a different lens by inviting visitors to share their ideas and confront their preconceptions as they experience and interact with the exhibit.
In a community dominated by white voices despite thousands of BIPOC residents, COBIPOC brings together a diverse group of BIPOC people who seek strength in collective justice and mutual support. COBIPOC through the zine, Complex(ion), engages in art and writing as a meeting point, both within diverse BIPOC groups, and as a connector between BIPOC and white communities, leaders, and institutions. Complex(ion) is a forum for BIPOC writers, artists, journalists, and community members to reclaim our beliefs, our lyrics, our pain, our bodies, our land, and our political fight. Below is a list of all artists contributing to Complex(ion).
Media Featured Artists:
Bear P.
Taemi I.
Nutasha D.
Amanda P.
Michael Lee
A.C. Reyes
Vanessa R.
Tita Jess
Brave Crow
Writing Contributors:
Bear P.
Megan K.
Taemi I.
Clara S.
Jocelyn O.
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