Nan Curtis
Mt Pile
March 1 - April 27, 2024
Opening Reception:
Friday, March 1, 5-7pm
Artist Talk:
Saturday, March 2, 12-1pm
Mt Pile is a large-scale, site-specific sculptural landscape that delves into the concept of the pile as a metaphor for family. The form is both a pile and a mountain, simultaneously a burden and aspirational. A landscape will be constructed that allows the viewer to both be enveloped in and surrounded by the sculptural forms. There will be several ways to engage the exhibition – through viewership, touch, a ‘shop’, free handouts and workshops, all relevant to the metaphor of family as a pile.
Additional Programming:
Before You Go: An End of Life Conversation
Nan Curtis, INELDA Trained End of Life Doula/Artist
Marci Donaldson, RN, BSN, Hospice
Saturday, April 6, 12:00pm-1:30pm
Scalehouse Gallery
Creative Writing Playshop: Pile as Metaphor for Family?
Facilitated by Krayna Castelbaum
Sunday, April 7, 10:30am-12:00pm
Scalehouse Gallery
Grief Into Beauty: Creating Nature Altars to Heal and Transform Loss
Facilitated by Anne Gordon, M.A.
Saturday, April 13, 10:00am-12:30pm
Scalehouse Gallery

About Nan Curtis:
Nan Curtis’ practice is interdisciplinary and installation-based, mining site, home and personal narrative to reframe what can be considered mundane, and funny, in life. Curtis received her MFA from the University of Cincinnati & BA from the College of Wooster, OH. Major exhibitions include DiverseWorks, Houston; Tacoma Art Museum; Mira Costa College, San Diego; ConsolidatedWorks, Seattle; Linfield College, OR; AnyTime Dept, Cincinnati, OH; Portland Institute for Contemporary Art (PICA), Elizabeth Leach Gallery, Reed College, WilliamsonKnight/Holding Contemporary, 1430Contemporary, NINE & The Art Gym in Portland. Nan received the prestigious Bonnie Bronson Fellowship in 2011. She has attended residencies at Yucca Valley Material Lab, Joshua Tree, CA, Mira Costa College, OCAC & Caldera. She has been featured in ArtForum, ArtWeek, The Oregonian, Seattle Stranger, Willamette Week & Portland Monthly. Her work is in the collections of the Portland Art Museum, Sarah Miller Meigs, Linda Hutchins and John Montague, Reed College & Joan and John Shipley. She was the Director/Curator of the Feldman Gallery at Pacific Northwest College of Art, faculty & the Chair of Studio Arts. Currently she has a robust studio practice, is training to be a Death Doula and volunteers in Hospice.

This exhibition is supported by: