It’s no more than a blink of the eye: A Patricia Clark Retrospective
May 6 - 28, 2022

It’s no more than a blink of the eye: A Patricia Clark Retrospective explores the prints, drawings, sketchbooks, and creative practice of the prolific and beloved artist, Patricia Clark. Only a tiny portion of her massive oeuvre, this selection of works describes a life dedicated to mark-making. Steeped in the language and history of drawing, Clark, a deeply observant artist, created expertly composed abstractions with an evident influence from nature. In one of her hundreds of sketchbooks, she wrote of another artist, “the work stands on its own,” and clearly, it applies here too.
After a celebrated career as Chair of the Art Department at California State University, Long Beach, Clark retired and brought her passion and advocacy to Bend. The master printmaker founded Atelier 6000 in 2007, a center for printmaking and book arts, and Bend Art Center. Clark quickly endeared herself to the arts community as she continued her work uniting and building support for the community. Our friend, founding Board member, and driving force behind Scalehouse, Patricia, is dearly missed. Learn More about Patricia Clark.